Hotel - Mariborsko Pohorje
Na prodaj je hotel v objemu gozdov, na vrhu Mariborskega Pohorja na n.v. 1050 m, ob Pohorski vzpenjači, s čudovitim pogledom na mesto Maribor.
GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE 4* leži na zemljišču velikosti 4.644 m2 in zajema 5.878 m2 neto tlorisne površine. Ponudba med ostalim zajema 75 sob, wellness z bazenskim kompleksom, fitnes, sejno dvorano.
Hotel je bil v letu 2022 deležen temeljite obnove - vrednost investicije 3,4 mio €.
Video predstavitev:
Ponudba hotela:
Dodatno: možen je dokup parcele v velikosti 7011 m2 za gradnjo športne dvorane ob hotelu.
Za dodatne informacije in ogled nas pokličite. Oglaševana cena predstavlja neto znesek, saj se DDV obračuna v skladu s 76 a členom ZDDV-1.
Hotel - Maribor Pohorje
For sale is a hotel nestled in the forests, at the top of Maribor Pohorje at an altitude of 1050 m, next to the gondola / skilift, with a wonderful view of the city of Maribor.
GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE 4* is located on a plot of land measuring 4.644 m2 and covers a net floor area of 5.878 m2. The offer includes, among other things, 75 rooms, a wellness center with a pool complex, a fitness center, and a conference hall.
The hotel underwent a thorough renovation in 2022 - with an investment value of 3.4 million €.
Video presentation:
Hotel offer:
Additional: it is possible to purchase a plot of land measuring 7.011 m2 for the construction of a sports hall next to the hotel.
For additional information and viewing, please contact us. The advertised price is a net amount, as VAT is calculated in accordance with Article 76a of the ZDDV-1.